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Hertfordshire SENDIASS is an impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS).

We support children, young people with special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) aged 0 to 25 years and their parents on issues relating to SEND. We do this by providing free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support through our helpline service, online resources, at events and workshops as well as through individual casework.

How we can support you

We provide unbiased information and advice about what the law says, the local authority’s policies and procedures and about the policy and practice in local schools and other settings. This includes:

•    Education, health and social care

•    National and local policy

•    The Local Offer

•    Your rights and choices

•    Where you can find help and advice

•    How you can access support

Check out our information zone for more on what we do.

Meet the team

We are trained by IPSEA through the National IASS network. Each of our team members complete 90 hours of accredited legal training, so that we can give you information based on legislation rather than local policy.

Our team members

Karen Edwards – Service Manager

Jane Swift – Adviser

Tanya Dance – Lead Information Officer

Kaylie Wildash – Lead Information Officer

Simone Stevens – Information Officer

June Anderson – Information Officer

Charlotte Survilla – Information Officer

Bianca Allsop – Information Officer

Hazel Gostling – Helpline Information Officer

Glenn Pantelli - Helpline Information Officer

William Young - Helpline Information Officer

Becky Sears - Helpline Information Officer